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Sweet and Sour Chicken


A delicious chicken recipe that it easy, simple and takes very little time to cook.

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  • 2 Boneless Chickens
  • 1/2 cup Soy sauce
  • 1/2 cup Sweet chili sauce
  • 1 teaspoon Honey
  • 1/2 cup Vegetable oil
  • 1 Small piece of chopped ginger.
  • 1 Diced garlic


servings 4
Level of difficulty Easy
Preparation time 10mins
Cooking time 12mins
Cost Average budget


Step 1

Combine soy sauce, sweet chili sauce, honey, ginger and garlic; mixing them well. Put the mixture aside for later.

Step 2

Get a skillet and place it on the cooker on medium heat. Pour in the oil and wait for it to heat up.

Step 3

Place chickens in the skillet and cook both sides two minutes each so it is partially cooked. Take it off the skillet and place it on a chopping board. Cut both chickens up into pieces and then pour them all back into the skillet.

Step 4

Stir the chicken around to ensure it cooks properly and doesn't stick. this should take 5 mins.

Step 5

Bring back the mixture and pour it all into the skillet with the chicken. Let it cook for 5 mins occasionally stirring it to make sure it doesn't burn.

Step 6

Take the skillet off the cooker and pour the chicken into a bowl/plate.

You can use vegetables such as peppers if you want (if you do, make sure you pour it in with the chicken to let it cook a bit).
You can also have rice or noodles with this to bring out the taste more.

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