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Chocolate, cinnamon and apple strudel


The combination of warm chocolate, apples,mild spice and nuts. It's absolutely delicious particularly if you serve the strudelwith creamor ice-cream.

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  • 2lb cooking apples, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 4 oz unsalted butter, 2oz coarse breadcrumbs, half tsp ground cinnamon, 2 oz caster sugar, 2oz sultanas, 2oz chopped hazelnuts, 150g adbury's bournville chocolate chopped, 6 sheets filo pastry, icing sugar(for dusting)


servings 6
Level of difficulty Average
Preparation time 25mins
Cooking time 35mins
Cost Average budget


Step 1

Lightly grease a large baking sheet. Peel core and slice the apple and put the slices in a bowl of water with th lemon juice to prevent discoiouraion

Step 2

Melt 50g of the butter in a frying panand fry the breadcrumbs for 2-3 mins untilpale golden brown. Transfer to alarge bowl. Thoroughly drain the apples and add them to the bowl with the cinnamon, sugar, sultanas, hazelnuts and chocolate.

Step 3

Melt the remaining butter. Lay 1 sheet of th pastry on the work surfae ad brushwit a little melted butter. Put another sheet of pastry and spoon half of the filling down the centre of the pastry to within 2.5cm/1 inch of the edes.

Step 4

Fold the short ends of the pastry over the filling, then roll up the filling in the pastry like a swiss roll. Transfer the strudel to the baking sheet with join underneath. Use the remaining pastry and filling to make another strudel in the sae way. Brush both strudels with th remaining butter and bake in a preheated oven, 190*c,gs mark 5, for about 30 mins until golden. Dust with icing sugar and serve sliced

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Chocolate, cinnamon and apple strudel Baked Apples