Alkaline Anthea Interview
The alkaline diet need to knows:
from a food blogger who's in the know
Anthea's blog focuses on the diet she practises day-to-day, focusing on healthy ingredients that balance out your body's acid levels, the alkaline diet isn't a fad. Discover Anthea, and make sure to check out her blog!
See how to make a delicious and easy Lucuma Cacao Latte on Alkaline Anthea's YouTube channel.
tell us the idea behind 'alkaline anthea'?
I called my website alkalineanthea because:
- I believe following a healthy and clean diet high in vegetables will make your body more alkaline, resistant to disease, and is a simple approach we can all understand. Basically, it is an excellent place to start. My whole family went on an alkaline cleanse and we saw many benefits from it!
- I enjoyed the alliteration of the name :)
Could you explain to our readers what the Alkaline Diet is?
The great thing about an Alkaline diet is it's simple and flexible in principle. All you have to do is eat Alkaline foods 80% of the time. It isn't strict or restrictive. It is basically eating a diet high in healthy fats (coconut oil, olive oil, butter/ghee, avocado's), vegetables (raw and cooked), some fruit, and nuts, seeds and legumes. Then from there you can have some dairy, grains and organic meat/fish/eggs if you want. The fact that its flexible means the Alkaline diet is what you make of it. Just to clarify, I don't believe in "Alkaline water", because the best water is simply spring water.
What challenges did you encounter when 'going' Alkaline? What benefits did you start to see?
I think one of the biggest challenges when going healthy is giving up your dependance on convenience foods. You pretty much have to cook and prepare all your meals yourself. You have to learn how to cook with new ingredients such as coconut flour and be open to trying new foods such as kale. Some benefits I started seeing as a result of eating cleaner was more energy, clearer skin, less digestive distress, and not getting sick as often.
There is a cohort of diets and healthy eating plans available, why did you choose the Alkaline Diet?
I chose it because I enjoy it's flexibility. It is also a great place to start being healthy and is a step further than just clean eating.
A typical day on the Alkaline diet, what should we eat?
A typical day for me personally would look something like this:
Vegetable Juice / Green Superfood Smoothie / Omelette
Big salad / Soup
Crockpot meals / Fish / Meat / Baked Root Veg
Nuts / Seeds / Fruit / Veggie sticks with Hummus or Tahini / Granola Bars / Herbal Teas / Healthy wholefood desserts
Do you have difficulty finding restaurants that cater to your dietary requirements?
It is very easy here in London to find healthy cafes and restaurants or if you go to a normal one, just order something healthy.
What would you say to those who think the Alkaline diet is only a fad?
I think the Alkaline diet is what you make of it. You can be a vegan, a vegetarian, a raw foodist, and still be "Alkaline". Find a way of eating that works for you, whatever diet or lifestyle it may be.
Your favourite chef ...
Well I do love to watch Jamie Oliver just because he's so enthusiastic about food. He also does some amazing work fighting against unhealthy companies such as McDonalds.
Biggest food flop ...
I once tried making dark chocolate beetroot brownies and it tasted like dirt!
Any tips for anyone interested in trying the diet?
If you're interested in trying a diet like this, just go for it at your own pace. You can start out with a cleanse, try out new vegetables, and enjoy creating healthy recipes at home. Definitely learn how to cook! It's an essential healthy eating skill. Try an elimination diet to see if you react to any particular foods such as grains. Try to eat organic if possible. There's lots of information and recipes on my website for anyone who is interested!
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