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Triple Chocolate Brownies


Devine,, mouth watering brownies - the best you will ever bake

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  • 200g Plain Chocolate
  • 50g Milk Chocolate
  • 225g Butter
  • 4 large Eggs
  • 325g Caster Sugar
  • 2tsp Vanilla Essence
  • 200g White Chocolate
  • 150g Plain Flour
  • Pinch of Salt


servings 16
Level of difficulty Easy
Preparation time 20mins
Cooking time 40mins
Cost Average budget


Step 1

Fan oven 150 Gas Mark 4

Step 2

Line cake tin – I use swiss roll tin

Step 3

Melt Plain, milk chocolate and butter together. Put to one side and cool slightly

Step 4

Beat together eggs, sugar and vanilla essence (not in same bowl as melted chocolate)

Step 5

Chop white chocolate into chunks

Step 6

Whisk egg mix into cooled chocolate. Then fold in flour, salt and white choc.

Step 7

Pour into tin. BAKE for 40 mins. Top should be crisp and centre almost set.

Step 8

Leave to cool. Cut

Step 9

Keep in fridge as tastes better. – that is the bits you haven’t eaten warm as that tastes nice too 

Make sure you make it when plenty of people around to eat it too otherwise you will find you will eat most of it yourself

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