Whisk & Knife's interview

We interviewed Whisk & Knife!
Visit the website: Whisk & Knife.
Hello Whisk & Knife, so tell us...
When did you begin your blog and what inspired you to start it?
We are a very young blog having started only earlier this year! Our initial Instagramming habit quickly escalated to obsessive food photography, and now we're ashamed to admit that the food blog eats before us now. :/
In your wildest dreams, where is your blog going to take you as it develops?
A full larder of sponsored ingredients, to test out, write about and share! Everyone loves free food, right? We'd also love to travel around the world, to try local flavours and to learn about cooking techniques.
Are you active in the blogging community? Have you met any interesting people through your blog or has it brought you to new places?
Nope, not yet, but we would love to!
Do you have a secret weapon in the kitchen?
Of course we do! His name is Charlie, a vintage KitchenAid K-5A. We picked him up from the junk market some time back and realised that he might be older than our ages combined. After a good clean-up and a new coat of paint, Charlie is a mean machine that whips up meringues without breaking a sweat. Now he has a place of honour on the counter top.
You have quite a lot of oriental influenced cuisine on your blog, would this be your preferred sort of food?
We come from Singapore, which is quite a food haven. In our cooking we often tap on childhood nostalgia and when it comes to what we crave, many a time it's good comfort food from back home. Needless to say, this usually means oriental flavours.
What is your earliest memory involving food?
Nigel: Shooting milk out of my nose (yes, my nose) a meter out onto the dining room wall after my sister told me a joke. That hurt so badly.
Sarah: My mother's jam sandwiches. She would cut them up into small triangles and I would create my specific way of eating them each day. YUM.
Are there any chefs that you admire in particular?
At the moment it would have to be Tom Kerridge of The Hands and Flowers in Marlow, because of his great respect for ingredients and produce. Tom Herbert of the Fabulous Baker Brothers is Nigel's go-to baker for bread recipes. We're also fans of Michel Roux Jr. of Masterchef Professional fame- his precision and charisma is incredible.
If you could be contestants or guests on any cooking show what show would you choose?
Well, for Sarah, it would have to be being a contestant on the Great British Bake-Off. (Which baker wouldn't??) For Nigel, he would like to be a host of his own cooking show someday, if not a guest judge on Masterchef.
Which Gourmandize recipe would you recommend? (if none take your fancy add your own and share it with us!)
Our recipe for is one that we would highly recommend. Many people eat scrambled eggs but not everyone knows how to do them right. In our recipe we share how best to scramble eggs the right way, to ensure a smooth yet creamy serving of eggs every time.
Any last words or message for our readers?
Everyone eats but not everybody cooks. We want all to know that cooking can be fun, rewarding and easy. Try a new recipe today! x, W&K
Thank you Whisk & Knife for answering our questions and see you soon!
Published by Laurence - 22/10/2013
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