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Elise New's interview

Interview by Laura Interview by Laura

We interviewed Elise New!

Visit the blog: The Frugal Farm Wife.

See profile page and recipes

Discover Elise New's favourite recipe: Rhubarb and Strawberry Cheesecake

Kitchen tip: "Yoghurt! Where a recipe calls for milk, I use yoghurt. It makes baked goods so much softer and moister!"

Hello Elise New, so tell us...

When did you start your blog? Where do you hope your blog takes you in the future?

I started in late 2011, shortly after having my first baby. I was mostly home-bound with a really high-maintenance baby who made it hard to have friends in real life, so I turned to the internet, and blogging seemed like a natural progression of that.

As to where the blog might take me? Well, I hope it gives me the ability to continue being at home with my kids while contributing to the family financially. As time goes on, and I become more enamored with cooking science, I'd also like to eventually put out some awesome gluten-free cookbooks which wouldn't even be a consideration without the blog.

But I don't really have any aspirations of being world famous or anything like that. ;)

Why did you and your family decide to go gluten-free? How has it changed your cooking habits?

My husband was diagnosed as allergic to gluten before we ever actually met. As it turns out, it's an allergy that runs in his family, so I knew that I definitely wanted to keep our kids away from gluten to try to protect them against it.

So that's the reason why. The how is that it's pretty much changed everything. I used to just reach into the cupboard for the single bag of flour, I now choose which type of flour, starch, or mix, is best for a particular application.

For instance, rice flour in milk-based gravy, cornstarch for water-based gravy. Half-starch, half-flour for biscuits, and two-thirds flour, one-third starch for cake. It sounds complicated, but after a while, it becomes second nature.

What is your secret weapon in the kitchen?

Yoghurt! Where a recipe calls for milk, I use yoghurt. It makes baked goods so much softer and moister!

What dish or menu could you not live without?

That's a tough one! There are so many dishes I love, but one of my favorites is 'Chinese Beef and Broccoli'. You just can't beat a one-pot meal in the crockpot!

What is your earliest memory involving food?

Oh, another toughie! Probably helping my Mum peel apples for apple crisp. It turned into one of our family's favourite desserts.

If you could be a contestant or guest on any cooking show, what show would you choose?

Well, the only cooking show I've ever *seen* was a partial episode of 'Hell's Kitchen', so I can't really answer that. But judging by the intensity of the competition, it looks like it would be simultaneously fun and nerve-wracking!

Which Gourmandize recipe would you recommend? (if none take your fancy, add your own and share it with us!)

The Rhubarb and Strawberry Cheesecake looks amazing!

Any last words or message for our readers?

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this! If you're new to cooking gluten-free, don't despair! With a little practice, experimentation, and recipe tweaking, you'll soon be turning out food that's just as good as the "real" thing!

Thank you Elise New for answering our questions and see you soon!
Published by Laura - 03/04/2014

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