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You are searching for Limousin beef

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Melt margarine, add biscuits and press into a loose bottomed tin

  • 4oz crushed digestives
  • 2oz margarine
  • 1 box After Eights
  • 2 x 190g tins Nestlé extra thick cream
3.4/5 (139 Votes)


Soak the shitake mushrooms in water at least an hour before cooking

  • diced chicken
  • shitake mushroom
  • sliced onions
  • minced garlic
  • salt
  • light soy sauce
  • dark soy sauce
  • uncooked rice
2.9/5 (13 Votes)


Ever wonder how to make the perfect cooked breakfast? Well we have the answer! All you need is some Clonakilty prod...

  • 2 Clonakilty Traditional Sausages or 4 Clonakilty Ispíní Sausages
  • 2 Clonakilty Rashers/ Slices of Bacon of your choice - oak smoked, beechwood smoked, dry cure or mild cure
  • 2 pieces of Clonakilty Blackpudding cut to 2cm thick
  • 2 pieces of Clonakilty Whitepudding cut to 2cm thick
  • 1 Free-range egg (straight from the hen if you are lucky enough to have some in the garden!)
  • Half a tomato
  • Drizzle of Rapeseed Oil
3.8/5 (54 Votes)